
Encinitas Church Of Christ

Spreading The Good News

Come Join Us On Sunday:

Sunday Morning

Sunday School

9:30 A.M

Adult Sunday School

9:30 A.M

Teen Sunday School

9:30 A.M

Children Sunday School

Wednesday Evening

Bible Study

6:30 P.M


6:30 A.M

Children Study

Sunday School


Worship Services

10:30 A.M

Teen Sunday School

10:30 A.M

Children Study

Thursday Morning

Bible Study

10:30 A.M


Make Your Request Known

Your Questions

A: 926 2nd Street Encinitas, Cal 92024 P: 760-753-7807

    Directions To Our Location Below.

    Brief History

    BRIEF HISTORY: The Encinitas Church of Christ was founded in the late 1930’s when God moved on the hearts of Christian men and women to assemble a Christ centered church that would meet the needs of the community. After starting out with just a handful of Christians meeting together in their homes, the church grew and around 1945 purchased some land in the old Encinitas down town area. There they built a small one room church building that has served the community for over 50 years. As Encinitas grew, so did the needs of the church and in 1999 on that same property a new and larger place of worship was built with classrooms for the children and room to grow. Today the church is still serving the Encinitas community in the name of Jesus and over the years has become a well-established congregation that continues to evolve and grow.

    “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19)

    Go Into All The World And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature...

    Mark 16:15-16

    Our Mission:


    I. To Preach the Good news to all creation – Mark 16:15-16
    A. Jesus commissioned his disciples to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
    B. We believe that this command given by our Lord applies to all Christians in every generation.
    II. To love God supremely and our neighbor as ourselves – Luke 10:25-37
    A. When asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life” , Jesus confirmed that the most important thing was to love the Lord your God with all your being and secondly to love your neighbor as yourself.
    B. We believe that one of the most important ways we can show our love for God is by loving our neighbor as ourselves.
    III. To build up the Body of Christ – Ephesians 4:11-16
    A. Jesus has given every Christian the ability to contribute in some way to the building up of His church.
    B. We believe that every Christian needs to be involved in helping Christ’s church to grow and mature into His likeness.


    We Believe:

    †… The Bible is the inspired word of God; that God speaks to us through His word to instruct and direct our lives, and that it is both relevant and authoritative. (II Timothy 3:16-17)
    †… That Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures and rose again; that he ascended to heaven to intercede for us until he returns. (I Corinthians 15:1-4; Hebrews 4:14-17; 7:25)
    †… That everyone who comes to Jesus for Salvation must repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins, and in obedience to these commands will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and be added to His church. (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:36-40)
    †… The church is Christ’s body on earth and exists to carry out his mission of saving the lost, helping the needy and encouraging fellow Christians. (Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11-16)
    †…It is God’s desire that we assemble together regularly for heart felt worship and encouragement, communion, and study of His Word. (Hebrews 10:24-25; I Corinthians 11:23-26; 14:26)
    †… That Jesus will return one day to Judge the world according to his word and that he will take his followers home to heaven where they will live with him eternally but those who have rejected Him will be eternally condemned. (I Thessalonian4:13-18; II Thessalonians 1:6-10)

    All of our ministries support “OUR MISSION”.  It is our goal to fulfill the purposes of Christ as taught in the Bible.


    ¬    Evangelism – It is our goal to reach out to the lost of our community in a variety of ways: through personal invites to church, passing out fliers and tracks, group Bible studies, individual Bible studies, etc.
    ¬    Serving – It is our goal to be involved in serving our community through various means such as: Yard and house maintenance for the elderly, helping people move, providing transportation, visiting the sick, etc.
    ¬    Giving – It is our goal to be a generous church, giving to those affected by disasters, supporting orphans and others in distress through local and world wide charitable organizations.
    ¬    Helping those in need – We collect food and other necessities to help the homeless in our community and minister to those who are temporarily  going through tough times.
    ¬     Missions – We currently support missionaries Jason and Hiede Snethen in their work with the Bristol Church of Christ in Bristol, England.
    ¬    Bible studies – We offer Bible studies for all ages on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights (see schedule), as well as personal Bible studies for anyone who has an interest.
    ¬   Sermon Notes – We are happy to share the sermon notes from Sunday morning Worship for further study at home.
    ¬    Prayer – We are a church that believes in prayer. We believe nothing is impossible for God, so we devote ourselves to prayer both individually and collectively.

    Sermon Presentations

    Current Sermons: Helping the Needy

    Current Sermons: The Pursuit of Christian Character

    Current Sermons:

    Current Sermon: The Road To Easter